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Counseling Cell

“Emotional wellbeing is just as important as breathing is”

The counselling cell of our college takes utmost priority in developing the holistic wellbeing of our students. We strongly believe that affective, behavioural and cognitive developments add to one’s holistic wellbeing.

Thus, the counselling cell of our college functions as an extension program for the student community. It addresses various needs of the students which extend from academics to relational issues which in turn aims in attaining career, achievement goals and also developing to a better human being to build up the nation.

Along with student empowerment initiatives, parental educational programs, life skills training and various forums for awareness about the changing scenarios are being organised.

The counselling cell is visited by a qualified counsellor twice a week and appointments are arranged through the coordinators of the cell, the coordinators talk to class teachers and get a track about students, and the needy gets an arrangement to meet with the counsellor.

The counselling cell envisions that ‘ No one should suffer in silence’.




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