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IIC Activities Calendar for Academic Year

Each Academic year consists of  two semesters with 2 quarters in each as shown below.

Semester 1

  • Quarter 1
  • Quarter 2

Semester 2

  • Quarter 3
  • Quarter 4

All Activities to be done are categorized in three types-

  • IIC Calendar Activity
  • MIC Driven Activity
  • Self- Driven Activity

IIC Calendar Activity – Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) prescribes an annual activity calendar for IICs. In each quarter Minimum 3 activities out of scheduled activities are to be completed by an IIC to receive full score. Institutes are encouraged to do a greater number of activities from calendar beyond the prescribed minimum. It is expected that institutes which are in the emerging phase of the innovation ecosystem- will follow the calendar plan vividly.

MIC Driven Activity – MIC schedules various activities from time to time on its own or in collaboration with partner organization and government departments. All MIC Driven Activities are mandatory. These activities are scheduled on IIC portal under MIC Driven Activity tab.

Self- Driven Activity – IICs are encouraged to plan their own activities apart from IIC calendar for promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in their campuses. They may have collaborations with different agencies, departments, and Industries for organizing seminars, competitions, workshops, training sessions relevant to entrepreneurship and innovation. To score maximum marks/star in a particular quarter, it is necessary to complete atleast 3 activities under Self Driven Category.




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