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Energy Club

Energy Club is purely a voluntary, non-profit group activity of students aimed at practicing energy conservation and environment protection. This gives a platform for the members to acquire, process and share knowledge on the subject. It works with the ambitious aim of associating with the younger generation in protecting and preserving the environment. The main objective of this Energy Club is to drive home the message of energy conservation and environment protection in the minds of students, by planning and organizing regular activities. Another objective is to increase the contribution of renewable sources of energy in the energy balance. The energy price should be reduced. It is essential to provide support and incentives for the productive sectors to reduce energy wastes. The club monitors and encourages activities that supplement efforts in bridging the gap between demand and supply of power, with renewable energy sources. In these days, where reduction of CO2 emissions in each household becomes the energy conservation watchword, the club aims to strengthen the community, and update their awareness and promote the programmes that would use energy efficiently and also  protect our environment. Talks, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions and other awareness programmes are undertaken by the clubs every year to spread the message of energy conservation and environment protection.

Our Vision

To make our community aware and committed to the cause of energy conservation and environment protection.

Our Mission

“To make the students and staff aware about the need, concept and methodology of energy conservation and environment protection and its benefits to the individual, society and nation as a whole by regularly organizing talks, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, write ups etc.”





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