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Nature Club

KE College Nature Club believes that an understanding of nature will give each individual a better perspective of the world in its fullness. The awareness about the present status of the environment has become very important in view of the precarious situation due to pollution, deforestation, global warming, ozone layer depletion, consequent major changes in climatic conditions, erratic monsoon and the consequent floods and drought would make healthy life on earth next to impossible.

The club believes that nature teaches life’s lessons in its own subtle ways and enables our youth to share their responsibilities in maintaining a healthy environment and to take steps to avoid environmental degradation in their individual capacity as well as in a group.

Sustainability Concerns

The club aims to enhance the environmental, economic, and social well-being of our communities, minimize use of natural resources and reduce its impact on our environment. The club considers it as the prime objective to educate the fraternity about the duties and responsibilities of citizens to ensure sustainable development for the future generation.

Vision of the Club

  • Develop the practice of service-oriented activities which integrate environmental and social concerns.
  • Facilitate discussions for sustainable environment.
  • Reach out to alumni and friends of the College who can act as resources for our activities.
  • Provide programs and arrange speakers which will motivate and educate the community in general and the students in particular.
  • Provide a platform for the student members of the club to participate in its nature awareness and social activities.

The club activities include

  • Campaigns and awareness programmes for forests and wildlife protection.
  • Promote the use of recycled papers
  • Promote sustainable water practices
  • Reduce – Recycle – Reuse – Refuse – plastic products.




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