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 The Department of Botany is established in 1967, with introduction of B. Sc. Botany programme with Chemistry and Zoology as complementary courses and celebrated Golden Jubilee in 2017 and completed 54 years of academic excellence with far-sighted and commendable services rendered by faculty members. During 2014 M.Sc. Botany was introduced in self-financing mode. Currently 4 permanent faculties are serving in the department. The faculty members of this department have published many research papers in both International/ national journals of repute and in International/ national conference proceedings. As a part of the UGC sponsored NSQF Programme in Organic Farming and Bee keeping, the department has taken the initiative to start Mush room cultivation and meliponi culture programmes. Many farmers in and around Mannanam are availing this opportunity.  We regularly conduct seminars and lecture series to improve the knowledge level of students and also to inspire them to become better personalities. The department has a good library with more than 1000 books. Department is equipped with Computers with internet facility. Now the department offers an Open Course in Agribased Microenterprises for the 5th semester students with hands on training. We also acknowledge a faculty member who is very well involved in agriculture as a farmer by KE KARSHAKASREE AWARD

The Botany Association offers ample chances for students to participate in various extracurricular activities. From 2013 onwards department regularly conducts exhibitions under CHIASMA series. Department is also conducting field visits to explore nature and lab isits to produce aspirants in future studies related to Botany. The department has also brought laurels galore to the College by the way of University Ranks and prizes. The faculty members hold responsible positions in the college for the smooth functioning of different clubs for supporting the students in developing their social commitment, cultural and literary talents.

Goals & Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Department are in conjunction with re-defined goals and objectives of the college. Apart from these, achievements of academic excellence, imparting of current scientific knowledge, promoting scientific research, exposing the students to the latest developments in the field of service have also been aimed at by the Department.

Faculty Details
Dr. Mathews T Thelly 9895200582 M.Sc., Ph.D. (Asso. Professor & HOD)
Ms. Theja Joseph 9037798732 M.Sc., M.Phil. (Asst. Professor)
Ms. Midhila Baby 9400957921 M.Sc. (Asst. Professor)
Ms. Deepa Mary Jose 9744251546 M.Sc. (Asst. Professor)




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