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Mob :9400733065


Date of Joining :25/07/2013

Qualification :Ph.D., M.Sc.

Area of Specialization

Distribution Theory

Awards & Achievements

1. Member of U. G. Board of Studies, M.G. University, Kottayam.

2. Life member of Indian Science Congress

3. Life member of Indian Mathematical Society.

4. Life member of Kerala Statistical Association.

5. Additional examiner for university examination.

6. Question paper setter of various Autonomous Colleges.

Presentations & Seminar


1. Presented a paper entitled “A Multivariate Extended Gamma Distribution” in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistical Methodology with Applications in Clinical and Official Statistics organized by the dept. of Statistics and Biostatistics, St. Thomas College Pala in collaboration with CMC Vellore, university of Maryland, USA  during 03-05 January 2018.

2. Presented a paper titled “Some Applications of Mellin Convolution and H- function “ in the international conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Management from 8th to 9th March 2017 organized by the Department of Mathematics, K.E College, Mannanam.

3. “Some integral transforms of extended gamma function and connections to statistical Mechanics” presented at the 6th international conference “Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations” dedicated to the memory of Professor Anatoly Kilbas, held at Belarusian State University, Minsk from September 11- 18, 2011

4. “Some aspects of extended Kratzel integral with statistical applications” presented in the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics’10 held at Sharjah, U.A.E. from March 18 to 21, 2010

5. “Extended forms and mixtures of generalized gamma with some new insights” presented in the International Conference on: New Trends in Life Testing, Bayesian Inference, Sampling Theory, Bio-statistics, Bio-informatics and Computer Applications held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India from Jan 5 to 8, 2011


1. Presented a paper entitled “Generalized Gamma Density with some Extensions and     Structural Representations” in the UGC sponsored National seminar on recent advances in Statistical Theory and Computational Techniques held at Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, Kerala on 6th and 7th February 2015.

2. Gamma density and extensions by using pathway idea” presented in the 97th Indian Science Congress, held at University of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram, India from January 3-7, 2010



1. Nicy Sebastian, Seema S. Nair and Dhannya P, Joseph: An Overview of Pathway idea and its applications in Statistical and Physical Analysis, Axioms 2015, , 4, 530-553; doi:10.3390/axioms4040530.

2. Dhannya P. Joseph: Multivariate Extended Gamma Distribution, Axioms 2017, 6(2) doi:10.3390/axioms6020011

3. Dhannya P. Joseph, Some Aspects of Extended Kratzel Integral with Statistical Applications, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Sharjah, U.A.E. March 18-21, 2010


1. Dhannya P. Joseph, Gamma Distribution and Extensions by Using Pathway Idea, Statistical Papers, 52 (2), 309-325 (2011)

2. Haubold, H.J., Kumar, D., Seema Nair, S., Dhannya P. Joseph, Special functions and pathways for problems in astrophysics: an essay in honor of A.M. Mathai, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 13(2), 133-157 (2010)

3. Dhannya P. Joseph, Some Integral Transforms of Generalized Beta Densities, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, 277-286 (2011)

4. Dhannya P. Joseph and Hans J. Haubold, Extended Reaction Rate Integral as Solutions of some General Differential Equations, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 41-51 (2010)

5. Dhannya P. Joseph, Some Applications of Mellin Convolution and H- function in Extended Inverse Gaussian Density, Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Special Functions and their Applications, 63-74 (2010)




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