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Creation of Peer Learning Group

Faculties and Students of Department of Zoology, KE College, Mannanam decided to create Amitié – Peer Learning Group and named Association as KEZA (K E Zoology Association) to continue the activities of the department in online platform amidst the Covid pandemic scenario worldwide. The motto of Amitié is “In Learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn”. Different Logos were created by students and final selection was done through online polling. A WhatsApp group Amitié and an official Instagram page for KEZA were created for effective communication in online platform. Through this we were trying our best to keep fresh and emerging topics every month to keep the students interested and engaged; motivate them to participate warmly and discuss and share their thoughts and opinions.


First peer learning session and official launching of KEZA logo were conducted in Google meet platform on 20th July 2020 at 11.00am. This was in observance of World Snake Day. The Principal, Dr. Brigit Paul inaugurated the meeting and officially launched the video of KEZA logo. Vice principal Fr. Dr. Xavier C.S felicitated the gathering. Head of the Department, Dr.Sr. Jessy Joseph Kavumkal Presided over the meeting. Faculty member, Nisha Maria E.G felicitated the meeting. The Presentation was a compendium of Snakes, prepared by students and final editing of both content and formatting of slides were done by faculties in the department. The peer learning session was attended by around 80 participants including students and faculties from KE College as well as from other colleges. The intercollegiate Quiz on Snakes was conducted via. Google forms during 4pm noon on the same day. Cash Prizes to the winners were given later.

World Animal Day- Intercollegiate Pet Photography Competition

World Animal Day was Commemorated by KEZA and Department of Zoology by conducting an Intercollegiate Pet Photography Competition- ‘Click Your Minion’ on 4th October 2020. The valid entries were collected via. Gmail and two best entries; one judges choice and one Instagram favourite were given attractive prizes.




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